
At 40% cash rebate, it is one of the highest in the world. By Marc Jacobson, Esq. The beautiful country of Greece, which some consider to be the cradle of civilization, recently increased its cash rebate for film and TV production to 40% of qualifying expenses, up from 35%....

http://abcnews.go.com/Business/queen-dislike-trump-artists-limited-music/story?id=40730790 By PAUL BLAKE - Jul 20, 2016, 7:38 PM ET House lights fade down. Backlights fade up. Cue music. Pause for effect. And enter the candidate stage right. As Donald Trump emerged on the stage in Cleveland on Monday night, silhouetted against bright lights with Queen’s “We Are...

Congress Gave Certain Entertainment Industry Investors A Christmas Present for 2015 and 2016! Section 181 is Back for Film & TV Projects and Now Theatrical Projects, Too. By Marc Jacobson[1]   Now, certain investors in film and theatrical projects that begin production in 2015 or 2016 may deduct their...